Here’s How to Tune Into Your Gut Intuition
I’m starting a revolution and I want you to join me.
For too many years, the art and science of intuition has been maligned as nonsensical, silly, invalid or even dangerous and evil. I want to change all that, and I want to help women learn how to use this invaluable source of information to make decisions, lead happier lives, and remember their true power.
I’ve developed a method called the “Four Brains” to help women learn to tune into and receive information from their intuition. Over the next couple of weeks, I’m going to go through each brain and talk about how each one receives intuitive information and what that info looks and sounds like in your body.
This week we’ll dive into your gut brain, look at what kind of intuitive information it contains, and see how to tune into that information so you can hear it for yourself.
Your gut brain is also called your “enteric nervous system.” It’s a dense, semi-autonomous neural network that contains neurons, neurotransmitters, glial cells and similar structures to your head brain. Your gut brain is responsible for a lot of your emotional regulation and your baseline happiness or well-being. Your gut brain is also the seat of your third chakra, which is all about your sense of self, your self-confidence and your personal power.
So, what kind of intuitive information can we get from our gut brain? Gut brains are tied into our sense of instinct and intuition. Primarily, it tells us if something is right or wrong for us (which may not be right or wrong on a logical, head brain level). Since it’s grounded in that 3rd chakra energy of individuality, our gut brain is about what’s right for ME, not necessarily what I “should” do or what would make the most sense.
The way to tune into your gut brain is to bring your attention to that part of your body, the area spanning from about 2 inches above to 2 inches below your navel, and ask your bodymind a question you’ve been pondering. Our gut brains synthesize and provide information almost instantaneously, usually in a feeling of being pulled towards something or being pushed away or slightly disgusted by something. Gut brain information is usually a “yes” or a “no”, meaning “yes, this is right for me” or “no, it’s not right for me.” Oftentimes a feeling of deep knowing or a sense that something is the right decision comes from our gut brains and it’s not always the most logical decision. If you think of the phrase, “I had a gut feeling” it means you intuitively knew it, without needing the facts or logic to back it up.
If you’re having trouble feeling the “yes” and the “no” from your gut brain, then try this. Think about something or someone you KNOW is right for you. It could be a dream job, a dream travel spot, or a creative endeavor or activity you’ve always wanted to try. (Make sure it’s not something you think you “should” do, like have a mansion in the city or a high paying job. If what you’ve always dreamed of is a cabin in the woods or to get paid to read books, think of that.) That feeling you have in your belly? That warm, excited, satisfied feeling? That’s your gut brain “yes.”
Now think of something that you KNOW is not right for you. For me it would be a life making tons of money as a corporate executive for Perdue Pharma or living in a sterile, minimalist, all white loft space. I feel slightly repulsed or disgusted by both of these things and I know that’s my gut brain’s intuitive “no” that’s not right for me.
I like teaching about the gut brain first because that “yes” or “no” is pretty easy to tune into and so it’s a good place to start learning to listen to your intuition. (I’ll teach about your other three brains in upcoming weeks.) I also like it because if you only ever practice and develop this one aspect of your intuition, this alone can completely change your life. If you can learn to tune into that Third Chakra information about what is right for YOU, what your soul’s life path is during this incarnation, that’s the basis for a happy and meaningful life.
If you like this post and want to know more and get some hands-on practice, I’m going to be teaching a workshop on your “Four Brains” in September. Send me a note and I’ll put you on the list to get more info as we get closer.
In the meantime, the intuition revolution starts with you. Get out there and start messing with the status quo — listen to your gut brain and do what’s right for YOU, not what you’ve been told you should do. I’ll be here cheering for you every step of the way.
Xo Megan