I Was Floored When I Finally Learned This About Chakras!

Megan Caper
3 min readJun 13, 2023


According to ancient Indian spiritual traditions, chakras are energy centers within our bodies, each with unique functions and characteristics. Interestingly, these chakras correspond to major endocrine glands, which also have unique functions and characteristics that align almost perfectly with the functions of each chakra. Understanding these chakra-endocrine correlations can provide a holistic perspective on health, balancing both physical and energetic aspects. I work with this interplay of energetic and physical body parts all the time in the healing sessions I do with clients. This is one of the things I love about energy healing — the ability to address these body parts as either their energetic or physical form in whatever way is needed for healing in that moment.

1st Chakra — Root Chakra (Muladhara) & the Testes

The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, represents our foundation and feeling of groundedness. Physically, it aligns with the testes, the glands responsible for sexual function and reproduction. (Yes, also for people without testes — about 50% of the testosterone in people with ovaries is produced by vestigial testicular tissue.) Just as the root chakra relates to our sense of survival and belonging, these glands govern the fundamental aspect of life — reproduction and continuation of the species.

2nd Chakra — Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) & the Ovaries

Situated below the navel, the sacral chakra governs our creative and sexual energies. Its alignment with the ovaries in women strengthens this connection, as ovaries regulate female reproductive functions and influence aspects of femininity and creativity — echoing the creative and generative functions of the sacral chakra.

3rd Chakra — Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) & the Pancreas

The solar plexus chakra, located in the stomach area, is all about personal power, self-esteem, and our ability to channelize energy into action. It aligns with the pancreas, an endocrine gland crucial in converting food into fuel. The solar plexus chakra and pancreas both convert raw materials, whether food or personal will, into usable energy.

4th Chakra — Heart Chakra (Anahata) & the Thymus/Heart

The heart chakra, at the center of the chest, symbolizes love, compassion, and emotional balance. Physically, it corresponds with the thymus gland, vital for immune function, and the heart, our core life-sustaining organ. Just as the heart chakra harmonizes emotions and instills compassion, the thymus and heart work together to maintain physical vitality and balance.

5th Chakra — Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) & the Thyroid

The throat chakra stands for communication and expression. Its physical counterpart, the thyroid gland, influences growth, metabolism, and development. In essence, the thyroid regulates how our bodies express their physiological blueprints, reflecting the throat chakra’s focus on communication and authenticity.

6th Chakra — Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) & the Pituitary/Hypothalamus

The third eye chakra, located between the eyebrows, is the center of intuition and foresight. It corresponds to the pituitary and hypothalamus glands, the master regulators of the endocrine system. Just as the third eye chakra is considered the overseer of our spiritual system, the pituitary and hypothalamus guide our physiological functions, demonstrating a profound interplay between intuition and homeostasis.

7th Chakra — Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) & the Pineal Gland

The crown chakra, situated at the top of the head, represents spiritual connection and enlightenment. It aligns with the pineal gland, a tiny gland responsible for the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep patterns and seasonal functions. In many spiritual traditions, the pineal gland is considered the physical manifestation of the “third eye,” linking it directly to our spiritual awareness. Just like the crown chakra governs spiritual connection and universal consciousness, the pineal gland acts as our biological ‘third eye,’ regulating our internal rhythm and connecting us to natural cycles.

This synchronicity between the chakras and the endocrine system illustrates a profound connection between our physical and energetic selves. The chakras govern the flow of energy in our bodies, while the endocrine glands regulate the physiological functions that sustain us. Together, they create a beautiful synergy that echoes in every aspect of our existence — physical, emotional, and spiritual.

By understanding the correlations between our chakras and endocrine system, we gain a deeper appreciation for our body’s innate wisdom. Ultimately, the chakras and the endocrine system together form an intricate network that nourishes and sustains us, providing the foundation for a holistic approach to well-being.



Megan Caper
Megan Caper

Written by Megan Caper

Medical intuitive and psychic advisor. I’m a trauma survivor channel, and founder of The School of Letting Go and Coming Home. www.megancaper.com

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