Your Intuitive Brains: Heart Brain

Megan Caper
3 min readAug 22, 2022


Welcome back to this continuing series on your four intuitive brains. Today we’re going to look at your heart brain and how to tune into intuitive information coming through your heart complex.

Last time, we looked at your gut brain and how it can give you information on whether something is right or wrong for you and your life path. This time, we’re going to take a look at your heart brain which gives you information on whether a decision will bring more joy, love and peace into your life.

Your heart is the epicenter of the emotion of love and all its ancillary emotions — joy, acceptance, belonging, etc. When we tune into the intuitive info of what our heart wants, we head down the path of what will bring us these emotions in our lives. Whereas our gut brain looks at, “Is this right for me?” our heart brain looks at, “Will this make me happy?”

Heart intuition speaks to us of fulfillment, excitement, and connection. Just like with intuitive information from our gut brain, information from our heart brain is often not logical. Think of the saying “the heart wants what the heart wants” — this implies that the decision isn’t logical but is compelling and fulfilling.

Our heart brain gives us information on what would help us feel happy, connected and loved, which may not be the most logical or well reasoned-out decision. In fact, heart brains are notorious for telling us to follow our passion, which can sometimes mean a radical and sudden departure from the path you were on.

Here’s an example — the first time I visited Italy I knew I had to go back and live there. I came back from my trip, changed my major in college from chemistry to Italian Studies, and started taking Italian language and culture classes. Two years later, I was living in Rome, studying film, art and history and I could feel the joy, love and connection in my heart the whole time I was there. It was the first time I’d fallen in love with a place. This sort of love affair can happen with places, people, careers, creative endeavors and more.

When looking at day-to-day decisions (that don’t involve picking up and moving halfway around the world) here’s how you can tune into your heart brain intuitive energy:

  1. Bring your attention to your heart brain complex. If you have trouble tuning into that energy, think of something or someone that makes you feel all loved and/or connected. This could be a person, animal, or even a place.
  2. Bring to mind all of the options you’re considering. One by one, tune into each option and notice how you feel about them.
  3. Which one brings more of that heart brain emotion? Which one feels in alignment with bringing more love, joy and connection into your life? Which one are you drawn to with a sense of emotional excitement, longing and fulfillment?

Your heart brain gives you valuable information on what will make you fulfilled. This can be such powerful information as we make our way through life and attempt to find a way of living that will bring us the most happiness. I’d love to hear some examples of when you followed your heart — what was the intuitive hit and how did you follow it?

If you liked this post, I’m teaching a class in September about your “Four Intuitive Brains” and I’d be happy to put you on the list to get more info about it. Message me or reply to this post and I’ll make sure to get you that info as the date gets closer.

Now go forth and follow your heart!

Xo Megan



Megan Caper
Megan Caper

Written by Megan Caper

Medical intuitive and psychic advisor. I’m a trauma survivor channel, and founder of The School of Letting Go and Coming Home.

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